1.1 Place Value of Whole Numbers

1.2 Rounding of Whole Numbers

1.3 Addition of Whole Numbers

1.4 Subtraction of Whole Numbers

2.1 Multiplication of Whole Numbers

2.2 Division of Whole Numbers

2.3 Exponents

2.4 Order of Operations

3.1 Solving Equations

3.2 Word Problems using Whole Numbers

3.3 Geometric Application – Perimeter

3.4 Geometric Applications – Area and volume

3.5 Divisibility

3.6 Prime Numbers and Composite Numbers

3.7 Prime Factorization and Factors

3.8 The GCF

3.9 The LCM

4.1 Introduction to Fractions

4.2 Simplifying Fractions

4.3 Reading a Ruler

5.1 Multiplying with Fractions

5.2 Division with Fractions

5.3 Solving Equations of the Form ax=b

6.1 The LCM and Equivalent Fractions

6.2 Addition with Fractions

6.3 Subtracting and Comparing Fractions

6.4 Addition with Mixed Numbers

6.5 Subtraction with Mixed Numbers

7.1 Introduction to Decimals

7.2 Adding and Subtracting with Decimals

7.3 Multiplying with Decimals

8.1 Dividing with Decimals